Die Ausstellung “Together” im Nationalmuseum Amman, der “Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts” stand unter der Schirmherrschaft des Jordanischen Königshauses und der Deutschen Botschaft.

26 Künstler/innen aus 12 arabischen und europäischen Ländern

Der Besucherandrang und das Presseecho für die Ausstellung “Together” im Nationalmuseum in Amman, Jordanien, war überwältigend. Ich hatte 26 Künstler:innen aus 12 europäischen und arabischen Ländern ausgewählt. Es war mir ein besonderes Anliegen, die Gemeinsamkeiten der beteiligten Künstler:innen zu zeigen. Unabhängig von Nationalität, Geschlecht oder Religion. Es zeigten sich die gemeinsamen Themen und Auseinandersetzungen. Eine wunderbare Offenheit und Verständnis zwischen den Beteiligten aus den verschiedenen Kulturen.

Workshops mit palästinensischen Flüchtlingskindern

Neben der beeindruckenden Ausstellung “Together” im Nationalmuseum Amman und dem fruchtbaren Künstler/innenaustausch fanden mit der Organisation Ruwwad Workshops für palästinensische Flüchtlingskinder statt. Viele der Kinder und Jugendlichen waren zum erstem Mal in ihrem Leben im Museum und nahmen diese neue Erfahrung neugierig und offen auf. Sie lernten die unterschiedlichen Techniken der einzelnen Künstler:innen kennen und in eigenen Werken umsetzen.

Aus dem Katalog “Together” in der Ausstellung Nationalmuseum Amman

Being human is going beyond satisfying our basic needs by developing, realizing and perpetuating cultural and intellectual values. Since the first cave drawings, the visual arts have been an essential part of perceiving, portraying and interpreting our life and world. Art provides the evidence of not just our connection with the physical world, but also our bond with the spiritual realm of existence, from where we obtain our authentic strength and understanding.

Art enables a deeper and broader insight, so that empathy between individuals can arise, transcending the mediation of purely information and values. Art directly touches our hearts, our perception and emotions. Because it has an impact on our entire being, visual art reinforces our willingness and the manner in which we enter into relationships with others in both the public and private spheres of live.

It’s the intention of ARTCONSULTING EVA MUELLER to develop new ways in which to come Together, to think and talk about art, to enjoy extraordinary beauty, to gather new insights and to create visions for a better world. Internationally renowned artists as well as young talents, making this exhibition a unique event at the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts in Amman, have created a high standard of art to be exhibited.

Art is the candid response to what connects humanity in all people

Art can relate new means of understanding between cultures, traditions and nations. With the current world situation, what we need most is more thinking and acting Together. It is important to acknowledge diversity of thought and equally important to recognize similarities with the aim of broadening horizons and opening our minds to new possibilities in the world. The main concept behind this exhibition is to feature works of art from different countries and track the changes for artists in the Arabian and in Europe today.


We life in a world in which one still fights bitterly for the recognition of one’s identity. Unfortunately self-assertion in this point of view is achieved by emphasizing differences and distinctions, by perceiving one as being absolutely separate from all others. Yet as a consequence of global networking and the increased concern regarding the condition of our planet we are required to face these challenges together. Modern scientists and quantum physicists have confirmed what philosophers and religious leaders had proclaimed – that what keeps humanity intact are the relationships we build with one another and with things in general. Our views are at once unique and part of greater collective and never independent of time and space. In my opinion, the most important thing ist to understand that as observers we can influence what happens, that our attitudes and perceptions can shape events and inevitably change the final outcome. It has been proven in laboratories that the observed particles responded exactly in anticipation of the observer. We should use this fact to influence our world for the better and take responsibility knowing that everything we transmit reacts upon us.

Exhibition Together Nationalmuseum Amann

Throughout art history there where phases during which certain countries pioneered art movements and styles that could not be ignored by their contemporaries. There were times when active exchange happened across continents and when distinct regions experienced differentiated developments simultaneously. Prejudices and arrogance prevent us from keeping open mind, yet in the last few years there has been a distinct appeal of exotic and foreign in the market. Form more than twenty years I have been an art consultant who observes and analyses the contemporary art scene looking for the diamond in the rough and to this day I see how alike the topics of artists actually are. Even if they use different methods and materials to depict their topics in cultural specific ways, the basic topics are the same. We all share the same basic desires: we wish to improve our lives and we yearn for happiness. We are all human!

Pointing out the differences at the same time seems very preposterous under that experience. In this exhibition I want to draw attention to, and share with you, the audience, the art of the Arab world as it is my privilege to have experienced. There are incredible similarities of content and ideas that cannot be explained simply by believing that Arab artists had to orient themselves enforcedly to the West, too.

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